A Dream to Die For.

Vansh Jain
1 min readSep 12, 2022


Photo by aranprime on Unsplash

Even after all this time,

How are you so beautiful?

Even after all this time,

You look like a dream.

A dream to die for.

I stopped along the way,

To admire your beauty, your love.

To admire you.

I stopped along the way,

To be the best one for you, the only one for you.

To be all I can be for you.

What else can I say other than you are all I want?

All I need?

I love you with all I have and more.

So much more.

Can I be him?

He who’s your dream to die for.

Thanks for reading. Yes, I know it has been a while since I tried to write something romantic. At least, I think it’s romantic.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading and supporting me all through this. I do hope you find your dream to die for.



Vansh Jain

An aspiring writer. I write stories and things that hit you in the feels.