A Game for the Future- Escape.

Vansh Jain
5 min readMar 21, 2022


This is the second ending of the story. I hope you have enjoyed the story so far and thank you for reading it.

Rahul found himself walking onto the stage once again. One last time. He knew what he had to do. It would be hard. But he needed to get Divya out. He notices the Game Master eyeing him. He knew that The Master had something planned and needed to be careful.


Rahul slowly walks up to his seat and sees The Game Master do the same. Rahul felt so tired but he didn’t have a choice. He needed to get Divya out.

“MR BHATIA! Ah, you have finally returned. I assume you have decided?”

“I’ll play as long as you let Divya go. I’ll do whatever you want. Just let her go.”

“Of course, of course. I’ll let her go. After you finish here, that is.”

“Yeah. I get it. Give me the gun.”

Rahul slowly picks up the gun, seeing his options. He knew that the guard behind him would react as soon as he tried something. His only hope was The Game Master himself.

“Choose carefully, Mr Bhatia. You are deciding who leaves and who stays.”

“I understand. I got it.”

It was now or never. Rahul knew he had to do something. He stands up.

“I need to think.”

“Of course. Take all the time you want.”

Rahul begins to pace around the stage. The gun still felt weird in his hand but he knew what to do. Slowly making his way towards The Game Master, Rahul tightens his grip on the weapon.

It's now or never.

But before he could get any nearer, Rahul was pulled back by the guard. The guard indicated with his head to move back to his chair.

“You’ve taken enough time, Mr Bhatia. Fuck off to your seat now or that gun isn’t the only thing that is supposed to go off.”

Rahul casually raises his hands, apologizing when-


The guard fell to the ground. Rahul instantly drops the revolver and picks up the guard’s weapon and points it at The Game Master.

“Mr Bhatia, what are you doing?”

“What do you think I’m doing? I wanna get the fuck out of here. With my sister. Take me to her.”

“After I take you to her, what do you think is going to happen? We just let you go? You agreed to this, Mr Bhatia. You do not remember but you did.”

“You really think I would agree to this madhouse?! Are you fucking mad?”

“But you did. We have the recording.”

Rahul was stumped. Did he actually agree to this? Why?

“Fuck that. I don't want to do this anymore. I am getting out of here. Where. Is. My. Sister?”

“I cannot tell you that. The only way is if you play the game.”


Rahul points the gun at The Game Master’s face. He noticed that the Master didn’t flinch whatsoever.

“I do not know where she is, Mr Bhatia. I was specifically ordered to not know.”

“Bullshit. You know where she is.”

“The only way you can find out is by playing the game. Shoot at one of their feet and we can proceed.”

Rahul contemplated on what to do. He went up to the tied people and removed the bag from the person on the left.

It was Maya.

Her hands suddenly split from the pole and she attacked Rahul, knocking him to the ground. The gun slid away towards The Game Master. Maya was trying to keep Rahul on the ground as he struggled to get out. Maya looks at The Game Master.


“No, I don’t take part in this. My job is to conduct the game.”

“Fine, I’ll do it myself.”

Maya hits Rahul brutally on the head, concussing him and lunges for the gun. She picks it up and points it at Rahul.

“You’ve lived long enough. But I won’t let it end here. I want you to see this.”

Rahul groggily gets up, looks up to see Maya move towards the other person tied up.

“Do you know who is under this? Wouldn’t you like to know? Well, let me help.”

Maya rips off the cover and under it is…


“Divya! Oh god. Maya, leave her alone. Leave her out of this. I'll play if that's what you want. Just leave her.”

“Oh, now you’ll play? OH. That’s good to hear. Yeah, let’s forget about the fact that you tried this before and I already know what you are planning. How about we say no?”



Divya slumped against the pole, a hole in her body. Blood poured out and Rahul couldn’t do anything to stop it. He saw the life leave her eyes and it awoke something within him.


Rahul began to run towards Maya in anger.

“I did. You too, now.”

Maya turns the gun towards Rahul and gets her finger ready on the trigger. Rahul didn’t care anymore at this point. He wanted his sister back.


Maya begins to pull the trigger back…


When she suddenly falls to the ground and behind her is The Game Master, holding the revolver in his hand. Rahul stops in his tracks in awe but then sees his sister. He falls to the ground.

“What have I done? What have I done?!”

“Mr Bhatia. Come with me. It’s time you leave.”

“Leave? What do you mean?”

“This didn’t go the way I planned it and now I see how wrong everything was. I cannot apologize enough for this but at least I can get you out of here.”

“But- but, Divya? What about her?”

“I’m sorry, Mr Bhatia but we don’t have time for this. You need to get out of here.”

“Alright. Alright.”

Rahul walks up to Divya’s limp body.

“I’ll be fine, Divs. Don’t worry. I’ll see you later.”

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Rahul follows The Game Master backstage and finally out.

“I'm sorry for everything, Mr Bhatia. But this was the only way.”

“What do you mean?”

“Goodbye, Mr Bhatia. For real this time.”



Thank you for reading the second ending. I have had a lot of fun writing the entire story and I’m glad that you have liked it. Tell me what you thought of it and share.



Vansh Jain

An aspiring writer. I write stories and things that hit you in the feels.