
Vansh Jain
2 min readMar 30, 2021


Humans are a social animal. It shouldn’t possible for a person to be alone but it is. We know people. Everyone does. But not in every case, they really ‘know’ each other. But the worst is when you just don’t have anyone to be with. No friends. No relationships. No nothing. Family is there but sometimes they just don’t understand you or what you are feeling. You feel lonely.

Why does this feeling exist? There are over 7 billion people in the world and yet it seems like no one knows you or wants to know you. That isn’t even the worst part. The worst part is when the friendship or relationship that you worked so hard for just falls apart. Then, you feel lost. We feel so happy and complete with someone by our side. But still, that happens. It could happen for so many reasons but for some joyful reason, it always happen for some really stupid reason.

The first thing you feel isn’t loneliness. Its pain. Just endless pain. Then, it hits you. That person has left you. That person doesn’t like you for who you are. But it is also possible that you yourself might have done something. Either way, you feel alone. By then, you think its too late. No. It isn’t. Its never too late. You can still fix it. Try to do that and see what can happen. Sure, in some cases it would just never be fixed. If that’s the case then try to end it on a good note.

There is also another side to loneliness. I feel as though this is worse. This type is when you have friends, you know people but still internally, you feel alone. You feel as though you know all these people so well but they don’t know you. All of you stay together but still you feel left out. You aren’t able to talk about the things you love because they don’t understand and when they talk about their stuff, you pay attention and relate to it. I know that it isn’t their fault but that moment is just the worst. Sometimes, these people just do not understand the pain you go through but they expect us to understand for them. I do exactly that but I barely talk about myself. I would rather listen to your problems and help you out.

We shouldn’t experience this. Some people just want have friends. Some people want a relationship. But before all that, we should just know each other and be friends. Open up to each other. Talk. That’s a great way to relieve yourself of pressure. Its tough to open up. Don’t take it from a guy who himself doesn’t open up. Just think about it. Find that one person who you trust the most and just talk. Talk about whatever you want. That’s it. Its a leap of faith.

Thanks for reading.



Vansh Jain

An aspiring writer. I write stories and things that hit you in the feels.